
Matthew 7:12

A day lived without showing love for others, is a day not worth living. -Mother Teresa

Showing random acts of kindness; isn't that a statement we hear often? Well random acts of kindness is such an incorrect statement my friends. What I believe a lot of people believe these days is kindness, is sheer politeness. Kindness should never be random, it should be consistent. It is something we all struggle with and should all strive to correct.

Showing kindness to those around you is an actual task. Showing kindness to those you work/go to school/encounter daily with that you may not necessarily "get along" with, is hard. I will admit it is for me at least. I know of a few people that I just don't jive with, who have a different personality that I do, and therefore I avoid walking down that hallway. So I can avoid an awkward conversation. By no means are they bad people, just different walks of life. Simply saying "hello, How are ya?" consistently should be a habit I create for those I don't jive with. Starting a conversation for the sake of conversing, and being kind to thy neighbors.

Kindness comes in all shapes and sizes, it doesn't have to be words, it could be an action, a thought or a response. It can be anything that you do without expecting something in return. That is the purest form of kindness and when we strive to show that type of kindness; we go back to being more Christ like and walking that amazing path.

Until Next Time,
Peace & Love

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