This is our Faith

We are the Baileys
We are Christians
This is our journey

Since we have been married we have been on a quest to gain a better spiritual relationship. Our quest isn't easy, but it has been great. We were raised in very different views of what religion is and how it is possible to gain the love of Christ. We were constantly battling to find a place to worship that was comfortable for both of us; we shopped churches with no avail until a visit to my Grandparent's home.

My Grandparents are inspirational. They are a breath of fresh air and are the warmth of comfort when you need it. They are the people that inspired us to find our current church. 

We are members of Abundant Life Assemblies of God. It is a place where people and Jesus come together to worship. We are new on our found path, but I am here to tell anyone who reads this, we have found our way to salvation. Living for Jesus, making him the core of our hearts and home have changed our lives. Surrounding ourselves with people who have a strong faith and live that faith; Makes us stronger in our faith and easier to live that faith.

For more information on Assemblies of God visit the website here. It has great learning tools, and information about how Assemblies of God is the way to salvation.
We may not be scholars, but we would love to share our story and our faith. If you have any questions email us and we  would love to answer any questions you might have, or could direct you to someone who can.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast. -Ephesians 2:8-9