
The Meet and Greet and other things

Nearly two years later. . . ok almost two years. . . ok like in July two years our parents finally met. I suppose it took us getting engaged or some silly thing for it to happen! :] This Saturday my Momma and Kirk met Drayton's parents Michael and Michelle. Can I tell you I was so nervous? I have no idea why, but I was. For some reason in my mind I was plotting some catastrophic event and was it? Quite the opposite actually! Not that I really thought that it would be horrible and bad, I just tend to think the unimaginable and worry over it. It went well, and who knew that "the-in-laws" would have so much in common? Both of Drayton's parents are from California which tunes in to the same drum my Momma dances too. I was really glad that Kirk came, he has such a way of making things very "un-awkward" and broke the ice quite nicely. I'm grateful for him.

So on another note, Drayton and I start our Pre-marital counseling this week! I'm excited! We're going to be meeting with Christian our pastor at K2. I'm excited for the path its going to lead Drayton and I. I think its something we both need more of in our lives, and are both trying to get. I'm so glad that K2 posts their sermons on youtube. HA! I missed church today and have the opportunity now that I'm home to watch it and take it all in. The day and age of spreading the word is now on the World Wide Web!

The marriage planning has begun, I think the whole meet and greet set it off. We've started our weekly meetings and are going to have our first one on Wednesday. So, that we can divy things out and I wont go bald before the wedding. Which would be nice! :] I'm excited, we've decided on our honeymoon excursion and it so happens that it is going to be -- wait for it -- HAWAII! Whooooo Man am I excited! Drayton hasn't been on an airplane before, so an 8 hour flight will do him in just nicely!

Until Next Time,
Peace and Love

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