
Twenty Two and Love

This is roughly the size of B.B.!! She is about 1 Pound!

This is B.B. and Me. 

So the past 22 weeks of my life have been completely evolving. Each week is different. Not only has the past 22 weeks been filled with excitement of this little lady growing right along, but life as well.

Oh, you want to be filled in? Mmmkay. Over cap, reeeeeeal quick.  August 2012, we felt like God was telling me to move, career wise. August/September 2012, we were informed that there might be a position opening up at the church, that I was being considered for.  October 2012, Whooo Baby Bailey announcement. November 2012, I left my position at BPG. Caught up?

Okay then, soooo this week, I was officially offered the position at my church. God's timing couldn't be more perfect. This was something Mr. Bailey and I were not planning on me getting, but were just trying to be faithful to where Jesus has led us thus far. The best part, isn't the fact that it is working for the Lord, that its part time, working at the church, or surrounding myself with the Lord's work. In fact the best part isn't about the position at all. I just wanted to tell ya'll about it!

The best part has been from November forward. Since I've been home, my trust in the Lord has grown exponentially and I couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity to get to know Him more. What I feel the most blessed is, that this opportunity has given me eyes to see and ears to hear. I am able to see my husband the way Jesus sees him. How incredible is the love of Jesus for my husband and how beautifully strong is my husband's love of Jesus. The love I have for Mr. Bailey is grater than anything I have ever known.  Knowing my trust and love for Jesus gives me strength and a love for my husband that cannot be explained. I love that man. I am called to be his helpmate in life and his helpmate I will be. My viewpoint on our marriage is that we could have 10 children, -and if I know how much I already love our B.B. and I've not met her yet - I will never love another person as much as I love Mr. Bailey. I am his helpmate first, as much of a challenge this will be I will strive my hardest to always be this first. That man just sends chills down my spine the second he walks into the room. OH BOY!

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