

This is about the size of Baby Bailey so far!

I'm back from the dead, well for today I am! I think I slept last week away. Mmmkay, people, I've never been soooo tired in life. And I'm a sleeper! I could sleep anywhere anytime! Its just a different kind of tired. Besides that, whats been happening?

Last week we had our friend Josh over for the week to finish remodeling our Master Bedroom, Laundry Room and Office Area. SOOOOO now, the whole house has been redone except for the bathrooms! Which will be coming along in the beginning of the year. This lady is in need of a new bathroom area. The current ones just aren't cutting it. No amount of bleach (not that I'm using it right now) could make that room look clean. Blekkkkkk. 

So this baby making thing is work, Mmmkay. Like a lot of work. And there are some crazy mad changes going on within me.

First, lets be real and honest. My ladies have like doubled in size. WHAT??? Seriously,  in my Momma's famous words, 'I've already got a couple' Now I've got more than just a couple going on here. The funny part about this? So this woman wears an apron when I clean and cook. Since I had a couple going on before, I had the classic apron. Over the neck and around the waste. Right, well now that I've got more than just a couple going on over here. That small little top thing, isn't cutting it. It decides to move over to one side. Sweet, I just wanted coverage on just one of those ladies....not. They get in the way, and I'm in for it, I just know it. 

Second, I'm just gonna say it like it is. Can you say weird fat in weird places. I still fit in all my clothes and think that is normal for only being 11 weeks preggo. But seriously, I've got some extra something going on in places I for realz don't want it. Its normal I get it, but boy it doesn't feel normal to look in the mirror and go. WHaaaaaaa??

Really though, those are my only two complaints if they are complaints. I've not been overly hungry, I think I could go the day without eating and I've not been sick. Thank my Good Lord!! Mr. Bailey and I feel extremely blessed right now. 

Now. My house is a blown up disaster from painting all three rooms and Mr. Bailey is out of town. So I think I need to clean or something. Even though I could sleep at the moment. Maybe I'll clean up the living rooms and then snuggle up with this snuggle bug.

I Just

 Love Her

 Soooooo Much!

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