Lets start with the elephant in the room shall we? My Dad passing away to much of your surprise; was not a "surprise" to me. For the past couple of months I have had an inkling that his time here was not going to be long. As much as my Dad and I lacked any real relationship, I knew I had to have the conversation about his relationship with Jesus. Most people laugh at that statement, or feel uncomfortable saying it aloud. Though, when you have the opportunity to help someone back into the arms of Him, it is as easy as breathing. I had many long and tear filled conversations with my Dad about turning a new leaf and living his life for Jesus. Amongst the other "If something does happen to you" conversations we had, Jesus was always in the mix of our conversations. I don't know for myself where my Dad's heart was, but who on this Earth can claim they do? What I do know is out of all the nonsense surrounding taking care of his things, people's behavior, feeling like there is a hole in me somewhere; God has a plan. This was God's plan, and only He knows what happened in those nano seconds before my Dad left. That has been the most upsetting thing for me...not knowing and accepting I'm never going to know until I go and see Jesus. I pray and take comfort knowing God knows.
Back tracking 3 days before we found out about my Dad. I was baptized! This is the main reason I will forever be different. I have died to myself to life for Jesus. I was so blessed to have so many people there to support and share the moment with me! My Grandparents who have been such an inspiration to me were able to make it!! Most of all, I was excited to show my husband how important Jesus is to me, and how I want my life to be engulfed by Him.
With all the emotions I've been going through, I needed to escape! Drayton and I decided to escape to celebrate. Celebrate? Yes. We've drove up the canyon to Park City and spent the 4th of July weekend to celebrate our 1 year anniversary! Can you believe it! One Whole Year! It has gone by so fast! Can I just tell you how madly in love with this man I am??? I was so excited for him to open his present that I made him open it the night before our anniversary! Mr. Bailey is the owner of an Ipad now! Grandma and Papa, we now own the expansion pack to A Ticket To Ride! WHOO ALL ABOARD! We are totally playing when we come up! Drayton also got me a pretty sexy camera. Pretty much its the Canon Rebel EOS T2i. I'm spoiled. Not only did I get to spend the weekend with a hunk, I got to shop, smooch on my hunk, go to dinner with my hunk AND surprise surprise....the Winters were up in Park City as well! So we got to watch the fireworks with them! July 4th marks 3 years since Drayton and I have been together.
Fireworks explain all too well how I feel about him. ;)
After all that fun, care to know some more?? Drayton and I are officially home owners! Today we closed on our home! We are exited to finally have a place of our own! We will be moving in this coming weekend! We are going to be doing some fun renovations to the outside and work our way in! So look forward to future blogs filled with before and after photos of our home.
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