
Meet Me On Monday

I've been following Java for her Meet Me On Monday Blog Hops, Check it out and find other neat bloggers out there!

1-I wear my Great Grandmothers turquoise ring all the time, and my wedding ring. The only time I take them off is when I put lotion on. 

2-I'm a twirler of my spaghetti; though sometimes I want to slurp it like Lady and The Tramp 

3-I have 3 sibblings. I have an older sister, who is my full sister, a younger brother who is half and another younger brother who I rarely see.

4- My middle name yes! I am named after my Auntie! Ashley Marie and Beckie Marie! :)

5-I'm a Coke Lover. Yummm

Until Next Time,
Peace & Love


  1. Hi!
    Nice to meet you via Java's Meet Me on Monday blog hop!

    I *love* the layout of your blog!
    Now following you:)

  2. Nice to meet you!

    Here via Java's Monday blog hop :) Beautiful blog, keep up the good work!


  3. I also am a coke drinker and only coke. Nice meeting you!!!
    Come by and visit I love visitors.

  4. I love your blog layout! so cute! Glad I found your blog. I love how you aren't afraid to be open about your faith. Awesome.



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