
St. Valentine Who?

Please don't mind my Mad-Crazy Hair. My projects tested my Mental State. :)

Valentines Day, personally, I really don't care much for it. I'm not sure where my lack of fondness for this heart felt holiday comes from, but I just don't. I don't distain it in anyway, I just don't see the big deal in it all.
Though, I do have some pink crystal out, a teady bear that has devil horns and a heart cape and a pink colored sensy wax melting in my melter. I did get into the spirit of Valentines Day a tinsy bit. I made gifts for those girlies in my life that I just love, since it is the month of hearts, love and foo foo frilly things.

Here is my list of things I {Heart}
-I {Heart} Microsoft Excel.
-I {Heart} Crafts.
-I {Heart} My Morning Coffee.
-I {Heart} Blogging.
-I {Heart} Cooking/Baking.
-I {Heart} Summer Time.
-I {Heart} Lists.
-I {Heart} Carbohydrates.
-I {Heart} Tape.
-Mostly I {Heart} My Family.

As I said in the spirit of the St. Valentine these are the little tid bits I made for those girlies that I love. Something must have gone hay-wire in my brain; because I used my sewing machine. {Insert Shock and Awe Face Here} It was fun though, and I think I'll be practicing a bit more on it.

Heart Magnets. I'd love to claim this original idea, but I got it from a fellow blogger Here
I did some things different like I put epoxy on the front and wrote on a couple.

These are Heart shaped hot pads. Again I' love to take the credit, but Martha, she's just a craft chic.
These hand towels were quite fun. I'm sure someone has thought of sewing ric rac onto hand towels, so I'm not the first.

My all in all total cost into the 3 hand towels, 4 pot holders, 10 hearts, Paper, Ric Rac and BIas tape is: $12. I had some stuff on hand like the epoxy, magnets, glue and such. Pretty nifty eh? That is my contribution to Valentines Day this year.

**For March, well you will just have to see if you are going to be a lucky one and see what I've got planned. (I've made a goal for each Holiday, wink wink.) Keep checking back over the next 16 days. March 1, I've got a surprise for you all.**

Until Next Time,
Peace & Love

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