
Happiness is simple.

FI work on the top floor of my office building. Its only the 4th, but the top. Meaning, I have a spectacular view of downtown Salt Lake. I can see all the "sky scrapers", the Capitol and the North point of the mountains. Its a beautiful view which is typically clear, crisp and clean cut. I think I could close my eyes and navigate through the air and point out places of interest.
Today looking out of my office windows, all I can see is white. If I focus really hard I can see a tree across the street. The visibility is 0, possibly -0? I can't see buildings, mountains or even cars. If I were to fly about, I'd surely smack into a few windows.

I can't help it, but I just have to make a metaphor out of this.

My life really is a lot more like the snow filled days than the clear sunny ones. Dreary is not how I would put it in the least; Its my test of faith to be led by belief not assumptions. Regularly I find myself bumping into things that I assumed weren't supposed to be there, but mysteriously are now. In my minds eye, I would have pictured a very different looking journey. Something filled with Summer breezes, over grown flowers, critters and maybe some roller blades. In fact, most times its foggy here; the kind of fog that seems to have its own light source when you walk through it. Mind you I have a very keen sense of Forward, Backward, Left and Right; even in the fog.
I like facts, I like hard evidence and I even like proof. Maybe I should have been a lawyer? Here is the hang up for me; His word and only His word is fact/truth, but you have to believe/faith that it is factual and final. Those words seem to contradict each other do they not? I think that is why my mind sees fog because its my own personal weakness. In the end I will be a strong believer; because, I was led by faith not by assumptions of facts. The one fact that I know and stand strong defending is His word is nothing more and nothing less than what is in the Bible. His words ring relevant in the times He walked this earth and still ring relevant in these times when He does not. I believe that fact. I love bumping into people I assumed wouldn't be on my path; because, it proves that I don't have all the "facts". My faith grows even stronger knowing His faith in me to believe in him and to follow Him.
My journey is bright with faith and I will not stumble from my path. Faith in His word and His love is the only way to be humble and walk with God.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12

I'm happy, its that simple.

Until Next Time,
Peace & Love

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