Today is the day! Its all but hours away! I'm so excited! So lets get right to it!
Drayton Saumel Bailey,
I love you more than I have ever loved anything or anyone in my life! I can't wait for our adventures of buying houses, vacations, cars, babies ;), growing gray haired and watching the sun set in our backyard when we're old. I thought our lives started walking hand in hand together almost 2 years ago, but today is the day, that we actually will be in stride. Sprinting, walking, running, jogging down our path hand in hand. This is the true beginning of our lives, and I cannot wait for it! I love you and can't wait to see you, its been long over due! (almost 3 days people! Thats forever in my books!)
Cynthia Jean Poulson aka Momma,
For every moment in my life that I have ever had an ounce of happiness, joy and excitement; you were there. Somehow behind the creation of it, thought, or just to share the moment with me. Every happy thought I have always has you in it. You forever will be my happy place that could potentially make me fly. You have ALWAYs been there for me, when everyone else has abandoned me, or left me to fend for myself. You forever have been that whisper in my ear that said "Ashley remember who you are and what you stand for." Teaching me and guiding me to be the best possible me that I could be; even when I didn't want too. You are a strong woman, who has always shown the world that you can do it. Big or small, you can always manage the task and defeat it. You have a beautiful soul my precious Momma, and so many people have been blessed to have seen it. We wouldn't have been able to achieve this wedding if it weren't for you. I'm blessed to have what I have, and even more greatful that you are my Momma. I love you and cannot thank you enough for all of your ongoing support, love and simple being my Momma. Always remember if you think of your happy place......YoU cAn FlY yOu CaN fLy, YoU cAn FlY, yOoooooooU cAAAAAAn FlllllllllllY!
J'Amy Nichole Winters aka My Sister,
I have never in my lifetime ever ever ever met someone as creative as you. I have no idea how you do it lady! Most importantly I love you and I look up to you. I turely believe with all the hard times in our past, and how much we're meant to be best of friends that we had to have been sisters in another life. I think this will forever be an ongoing chain. I don't know what I would do without you. All the times we've rocked out in the car to music, made beads on your back porch in the condo, went shopping in highschool, snuck out to get chicken nuggets, slept in the back yard and sprayed for spiders, played with your amazing children, sat on the couch and had wonderful talks and always being able to, no matter what the circumstances always be me. You know me so well and I have always been able to be a complete dork around you, and feel comfortable. I love you and I can't wait to have gray hair with you! We will be two rockin grandmas!
These are the most important people in my life, my key life staples. I love all of you so much in so many different ways, but most of all you are my family. I will forever be there for you and support you in whatever decision you make. I am here through thick and thin and even when it gets sticky! You have shaped me into the person I am, even if meant I needed a little jabbing. I love you all so much for it! Always know I love you and would give anything for each one of you!
Until Next Time,
Peace & Love
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