Last weekend was full of fun events! My Grandparents came down for Jake's graduation, and
my Bridal shower.

I am so proud of my little brother! I know that school has been a big struggle for him. All the years of wanting to drag his feet have paid off! He was number 332 in a graduating class of 425. I love you buckwheat! I know you can do amazing things with your life. When you choose to be, you are a hard and driven person and can accomplish anything you set your mind too. I'm excited for you and the adventure you get to go on in life. High school is just the starting line of life. Congratulations Mr. Jacob Thomas Poulson! I love you with all my heart and I will always be
here for you!
It was a great to share his graduation with family! His Dad drove down from Brigham. His Dad has always been so tender and will always hold a secial place in my heart. We celibrated after with some yummy BBQ, Presents & Cake! It was really just great to hang out with all of our
Then, the bridal shower the next day! It was B-E-A-UTIFUL! My Sister and my Mom
coordinated so everything looked alike, I had love bird decor everywhere with matching ballons
and M&Ms! My precious Grandma helped out with food and made a delicious cake! Thank you to all who came and shared the moment with me! I'm grateful for each one of you in my life! It was
good to have Drayton's Mom meet my Grandma and sister, only two of his sisters came. Kambree and Meryn, it was good they got to meet my Sister and my Mom as well! Here are
some photos from the shower! Get ready to laugh at some of them!
Thanks Phyllis!

My Friend Wendi obviously got the Bedroom!

Trying on some DARLING gloves my Sister and Momma got me!

Being timed to make a toilet paper dress!

Times up!

Wedding Dress #1
Wedding Dress #2

J'Amy, Me & My Mom J'Amy, My Grandma & I
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