

Have you been exposed to Pinterest? I have been fatefully exposed and I'm dreadfully in love with it.
Who knew that you could combine a mixture of other people's ideas and interests onto a website? A genius  is the answer!

I've been pinning away for a couple months now, and I'm tellin' you there are endless ideas on there! Google, you better watch it, Pinners have a new craft search engine! Like you can find.....

(Photo Credit: More Design Please)


(Photo Credit: The Art of Doing Stuff)

(Photo Credit: Dewanda Designs)

And who woulda thought this...

(Photo Credit: Prairie Story)

Most importantly delish was this...

(Photo Credit: Macaroni & Cheesecake)

I actually made that delish Mac n' Cheese that I found on there. I {heart} the Mac! I just like noodles actually! I blame my Mother's scrumptious home made Mac and then a Mug o' Noodles. Mug O' Noodles you ask? Oh, its the most nutrition meal created. Whenever the children (us) were under the weather; My Mom would make some noodles, heat up some Evaporated Milk and put it in a mug. Vuala! Mug O' Noodles! It is so not healthy, but its a comfort food! I should blog about it again, post a picture and pin it. HA.

If you haven't checked it out, and would like to fill in the endless blank hours of your day (Like all of us have those). You should become a Pinner on Pinterest! This is my Pinterest Board if you are interested in seeing the things I'm pinning!

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