Who knew that you could combine a mixture of other people's ideas and interests onto a website? A genius is the answer!
I've been pinning away for a couple months now, and I'm tellin' you there are endless ideas on there! Google, you better watch it, Pinners have a new craft search engine! Like you can find.....

(Photo Credit: More Design Please)

(Photo Credit: The Art of Doing Stuff)

(Photo Credit: Dewanda Designs)
And who woulda thought this...

(Photo Credit: Prairie Story)
Most importantly delish was this...

(Photo Credit: Macaroni & Cheesecake)
If you haven't checked it out, and would like to fill in the endless blank hours of your day (Like all of us have those). You should become a Pinner on Pinterest! This is my Pinterest Board if you are interested in seeing the things I'm pinning!
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