So, we got to go back to Hawaii. Yep, it's ok to be jealous. We were able to go to Oahu and Maui this time! Honesty prevailing Oahu wasn't all the jazz. It is a good once in a life time kind of a place, but we've now been there done that. Probably wont be doing it again. Reasons? It is crazy busy and over crowded. That about sums it up. The reason it should be done, Pearl Harbor is breath taking and humbling. There are other fun perks like: The Dole Plantation, The Polynesian Cultural Center and the Byoto Temple (at least those are the additional places we went) Plus a whole heck of a lot of shopping. Yea!
So pictures mmmkay?
This was the view from our hotel on Oahu. All those little speckles are peeps just a swimming! We were totally beach side, but who isn't when you are in Waikiki?
One of the best things about Hawaii are the pineapples. There is nothing like a fresh pineapple. So we ate them whenever the opportunity presented itself...which most of the time was on a burger.
The USS Arizona Memorial was breathtaking. In the picture above, the artwork on the right is also on the left side of the memorial and strategically placed through the Navel Base. It is the Tree of Life and is a representation of all those who gave, helped and fought for our lives in Pearl Harbor.
The whole back plaque. There were a couple of Baileys, a Winter and a few Poulsens.
This is the Byoto Temple, I think one of Drayton's most favorite stops! He loves the Japanese culture. This was an active Japanese Temple up until a few years ago, when the Monk who was taking care of it passed away. After that its been kept by the grounds keepers of the cemetery its placed in.
Before walking into the Temple you were asked (ahem or read a sign that asked) you to take your shoes off in respect of the Budist tradition
The Baileys in front of the Byoto Temple. Drayton sure dug it that is for sure. He dug it enough that we almost got left behind by our tour guide. Literally we were the tourists chasing the buss as it started driving away. Bahaha
As for Maui. It has a tender spot in my heart. I love Maui and all that the isle has to offer.
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