
Being Attractive In The Lord

Our church is hosting a 4 day Revival with Rudi and Sharon Swanepoel, Evangelist. They are truly people of God! Last night was the first night of the Revival and boy was I blessed in many ways I cannot even speak into words. 
The theme was significant. We are all significant. I wanted to share the one point that stuck with me. 

We are attractive in the Lord. 

When we choose to open up our hearts and let Jesus fill us up; we can become beautifully attractive. This attractiveness can come in many forms I believe. I think that when we are happy people, other people think we are attractive. It is all a perception on how we feel about ourselves. So, if you add Jesus to your equation, can you imagine how much more attractive people think we are? I don't necessarily mean physically (though I think it could happen) We become attractive in these ways:
-We shine bright with the fullness of our King and people have a tendency to draw near.
- The ugliness of our sins is washed away and we are born again. We are cleansed.
- People can see that our HEARTS BELONG to the King of Kings, Lord of Lords.
- Our way of life changes, and people draw near to people who 'make them feel better' by being around them.

There are so many ways that Jesus makes each of us attractive. Even using our talents, or exposing other talents. 

All I can say is I can't wait for another 3 days of soul shaking! 

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