
They are here. The journey begins.

My cook book arrived today! I now have over 200 clean eating recipies to choose from! The first book I got the "Eat-Clean Diet for Family & Kids", more than half of the book is facts and stories of families that have started to eat clean and how well it has worked for them. The second one I bought has 2 introductory pages and then ka-bam all recipes! YAY! As you can see from the picture I've already booked marked some of the ones I want to try first! There are many in there, but I think I have about 30 marked, and didn't want to use all of my stickies so I just stopped marking and started salivating. :D

Now that I've been ranting and raving on how I'm changing my eating ways, I bet you are wondering well what recipie are you going to try first? I'll tell you a bit of a story first. Its a simple and short story. My Grammie [My grandma's mom] Made to-die-for tortillas. She taught my momma how to make them. My momma makes to-die-for enchiladas and my grandma makes to-die-for food all over the place, none the less I have grown up eating Mexican food and it has become a staple. and I've not eaten Mexican food in who knows how many days. So my first Eat-Clean recipie is Clean eating Guacamole!
Doesn't that look just yummy!

On a completely different note, I have 92 days people to whip it into shape and do you know what isn't helping? the SNOW! What the heck man! Its spring, why is there snow, and why is my heater cranked up? This is ridiculous!

Until Next Time,
Peace and Love

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