
Why can't I be graded on Procrastination?

I find it somewhat humorous that i blog a lot during class. This shows a lot about me I must confess. I do English in History and History in English, and my GLBT class. . . .well I don't know when I fit that in. I'm sitting in my English class studying for my History midterm tomorrow. I'm a genius let me tell you. Why is it that I can't be graded on procrastination? I would get more than an A+ on this. I seem to always find myself in a bind when it comes to school. Possibly only as of lately because I've got "the wedding" on the brain. I'm not being able to focus.
You should look at my website that I'm creating for English. www.alund35.wordpress.com. Its about Income Restricted Properties and how rent is too high for the income brackets they place. I would love any criticism I can get on it. I have a feeling that I'm gong to be spending about two or three days focusing on it before its due.

Anyways, I have to get back to my procrastination and finish my review for History.


Until next time,
Peace and Love

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