
Meet Me On Monday Blog Hop

Java over there on Never Growing Old, hosts a weekly blog hop called Meet Me On Monday. So for all of you who are new to Our Traveled Road, Its nice to meet you on Monday! Sit and stay awhile, brows and get lost. 

Java has a set of questions for her Meet Me On Monday Blog Hop and here they are:

1. Crunchy or soft tacos?
I am a HUGE Mexican food eater! I love home made crunchie corn tortillas! Yum!

2. Do you scrapbook?
I'm not a scrap booker. I just can't get into it for some reason. I'd rather post a bunch of photos for me to brows. 

3. Do you take daily Medications?
Yes I do! 28 days out of the month! ;)

4. What is your favorite sound?
Hmmm, I must say my favorite sound is the camping quite. In the middle of the night, all the little nature noises you hear; the ones I don't hear in my apartment.

5. Where were you born?
In Good Ole' Utah!


  1. great answers!!! Have a great week!! I am your newest follower..


  2. Hopped over from Java's and thought I would say hey! Crunchy rules in my humble opinion! Looked around a bit on your site and will definitely stop back when I have a bit more time. Have a blessed week!
    Love your choice of music, btw!!! One of my favorites!

  3. visiting from Meet Me On Monday I like crunchy home made as well.


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