

"To have good friends you have to be a good friend" another wise statement and lesson learned from my Mom.

I have always been the type of person who has a handful of friends, but my best friends are my family. Growing up, I had a childhood best friend Kelsey and we had a blast! We played together, had sleep overs, ate at each others houses for dinner and better yet our older sisters were best friends as well. My family then moved and I attached myself to another best friend Camile. We like the same boy, played play station, had sleep overs, shopped together and helped each other with homework. She moved and I attached myself to another Best friend. This time I didn't attach to easily Junior High was too emotional for me to try and attach at the hip with someone. I met Laura, Allison and Jaime in the 8th grade and was the tag along 4th wheel. I fell head over heals with a boy and met my rival Megan. We became great friends and held strong through most of high school. Going to concerts, dances, hanging out, IMing and texting. Then my steady relationship with having a constant and consistent friend dropped. I myself was no longer a good friend, so I attracted bad friends.

All of the people I am and have been friends with [that I still consider friends] were such good people and brought out good things in me. I couldn't commit and therefore couldn't be a good friend. I lost a couple of friendships that I wish I could re-kindle, and I lost some that weren't meant to be. When I find myself reminiscing, I admit I get a little soft hearted and sad. If I could plug myself back into those people's lives and act like I belong; hoping they wouldn't even know I was gone.

I am brought back to life when I share these things with my husband. He has taught me incredible things and brought out sides in me I didn't know existed. I am able to be his best friend through everything and anything. I am able to commit in so many levels(duh); and it starts to make me wonder. I wonder about those people I do call friends right now and if I have committed to being their friend. I can list off a small hand full of people and beg the question. Have I committed to you? Am I reaching out enough for you? Am I privileged enough to have you call me a friend?
Friendships are dear things and need to be pruned and kept healthy in order to grow.

Until Next Time,
Peace & Love


  1. I love you. We need some time together. Really truly. And isn't is so dang wonderful to have a husband? It just makes me happy. I have a lot of those distant friends that are married but few close ones. Let's be closer, hm? Love you!!!

    And the more I think about it the more I remember the really good times we had in Jr. High. I don't know how it fell apart or when but it doesn't really matter, right? Miss you!

  2. I agree and I would love a chrochet buddie. :)
    We had a lot of fun adventures! I'd love to get together and do something!
    Call/text me!


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