
If not this, that.

I wanted to share some random tips that I have learned, and some new ones that have popped up as well. They're random, but one of these helped me in a bit of a pinch.
So here you go.

-No bleach? Add 1/2 cup of lemon juice to your whites will make them a bright white and zesty smelling!

-Replacing Oil with apple sauce. Not only is it a healthier way to eat, it makes your baked goods moist.

-I for one, always ruin my nylons. So before you put those suckers on, spray them with hairspray or starch. It tightens and stiffens the fibers.

- For those of us in Utah, hard water in the shower, sink and toilet? Lemons do the trick! The acid in the lemon eats the hard water away!

-If you squeeze a bunch of lemon juice and put it in a spray bottle and spritz your hair with it, it will bring out the blond highlights in your hair. (I don't know why I know this one, I like being a brunette)

-If you have ran out of hair glue, palm aides, or gel; use honey. Honey will not only keep your hair in place, but when you wash your hair, it will pull all the oil and dirt out of your hair as well.

- Smelly fridges need just a tad of Baking powder. The baking powder acts as a neutralizer and keeps the fridge smells mellow.

- no toothpaste? Running that toothbrush over those pearly whites isn't going to do your snarly breath justice. Make a paste out of baking powder will do the trick. It may not taste scrumptious, but its the active ingredient in toothpaste.

- Gargling hydrogen peroxide not only can get rid of canker soars, but it will whiten your teeth!

Those are my random facts!

Until Next Time,
Peace & Love

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