I write this with a twist in my heart.
I am joyful to write that my sweet Papa has made his way into Jesus' arms Tuesday January 22, 2013 at 5:15pm. I am overwhelmed by the idea of my Papa walking - well probably running - to those pearly gates. To have the King welcome him home with a hug only the Father can give. Grasping my Papa's hand as they walk through the streets of gold. My Papa overcome with happiness and peace. That is what I picture when I remember that he isn't here on this earth with us and the thought of that makes it so much more joyful.
You know, my Papa was the only stable and secure man in my life, until I met my husband that is. Whether I knew it growing up, or if I'm just remembering it now. He was. Some of my most cherished memories are with my Grandparents. There was always something about them that I loved and wanted to be surrounded with. I remember all the stories my family would tell about my Papa. How hard of a worker he was, how he could do anything, that he was stubborn, he was incredibly loving, you could obviously tell he was deeply in love with my grandma and most importantly he was a man of the Lord. I don't think anyone could have asked for a more perfect man in our lives.
I can rattle of so many memories or going down to St. George to meet them, Taking us to Disneyland and Seaworld, Taking us fishing with our princess kid poles eating peanuts, my Papa taking me on a bike ride around the green belt, showing me where he liked to fish, eating cherries and my Papa reminding me of the consequences of eating the whole bag, memorizing the books of the Bible, sitting on the couch right next him, him telling me, he loved 'us' (Me and my precious baby girl, someone he wont meet here) I have so many that I could fill this up with memories.
One of the most important things my Papa did for me was leave me an incredible heritage. Something he and my grandma gave me and my husband that is irreplaceable. They led us to our Lord. Something that no one can ever take from us, and something that we will pass down to our children, and them to their children. I thank my God for them and that thing that they had and wanted to be around. It was Him and His light shining bright through my grandparents. We wouldn't be were we are, if it weren't for their guidance and love of the Lord.
This is where my heart has a twist. I am sad, and have cried numerous times just writing this small thing out; though, as I said earlier, I think about him and where he is at now! Glorious Day! I know the rest of my family without a doubt knows where he is as well. Though, not all of my family know Jesus. My heart breaks for them and the comfort that falls short. There is something only the Father can give in times like these and it fills voids, valleys and crevasses. It may not make the pain go away, but the holes in our hearts are filled with Him. My heart is sad that the valleys my family feels in the loss of my Papa are wide and dark. I pray that their heart breaks in the way of the Lord and is healed in the way of the Lord. I pray that in these times of sadness and loss they will know Him, the only way of salvation.
I love you Papa and I miss you here, but I know the day I return home, I will see you.
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