Raspberry. That is about the size of our Baby Bailey at the moment.
This, is the actual look of Baby Bailey.
Whats going on so far? Well a bunch of things! I've got my first Doctors appointment this Friday. We are ecstatic! I'm sure it is going to make this feel a lot more real. So far, I've not had morning sickness, but I have felt nauseous. If I just lay still, it goes away eventually and I'm super sleepy. I think I could nap the days away. Other than those, and the obvious physical changes (seriously, I just bought new bras. You've got to be kidding me, right now.) I am great!
Life is taking a very different path for us. God led. The best way. After a lot of prayer and consideration, I am going to be leaving my job. I feel as if God is saying 'Move!' and boy am I going to move. I'm not sure where or what I'll be doing, besides staying home and taking care of the house. I don't know if there is another opportunity out there, or if this is the change God has in store for us. What I do know, is its a nerve racking change. I will have to entrust everything I have unto my Lord. I will have to be like a child and depend on Him to provide what our life needs. Being the human that I am, giving up my control is hard. BUT I'm doing it and doing it faithfully.
God has a great way of moving, only if we listened half of the time to see how He was moving things. We would be blown away and wouldn't have trust issues with Him. I speak this for myself, and am now saying, I'm listening, and I'm moving.
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