Today on my way into work I decided that I was deserving of a Venti Carmel Machiato Iced Breve. I know its a mouth full to read let alone say out loud!
I was in the drive through line rocking out to KLOVE, when I looked at the car behind me.
It was a really nice Mercedes, grey in fact. The lady behind the wheel (and without sounding completely judgmental) looked as if she wasn't hurting for money at all. She was blinged and decked out to the hilt!
She looked as if she could go on an anger rampage. She did not look like a happy camper. I couldn't help but stare at how onry she looked. I know, I know how rude right? So I order my mouth full of a drink and pull around to pay, all the while staring at her in my side mirrors.
I got up to the window and had a inkling to do something I've never done before. I said to the Coffee shop lady, 'Okay, I'm going to do something random. I'd like to pay for the car behind me's coffee' The Coffee Shop Lady a bit confused at first, said 'Sure okay!' and went to ring me out then wanted to inform me that not only did she purchase coffee but a couple of breakfast items as well. I say 'That is perfect! Thanks!' I pay for the coffee and start to speed away!
I am the type that likes to stay behind the curtain and was afraid somehow she was going to hunt me down or something. I'm not sure alright? As I turn the corner, I'm parallel with that mercedes as she pulls up to the window; I'm sure the Coffee Shop Lady explaining that I paid for her coffee. The Grump lady looked at me with a smile and I quickly looked down in embarrassment.
Thank you Lord for putting that on my heart. It made me feel good that I might have cheered her up. Random acts of kindness.
Wow. that's cool. good for you. Wish I'd been in the mercedes behind you:)
ReplyDeleteLove this. I'm glad you linked up! I can't wait to read more.
I listen to JoyFM around here and they are talking about these random acts of kindness. I've done this at a drive thru before, or at the local gas station where I get my tea. Just when it hits me. I was actually kicking myself this morning for NOT paying for the person behind me at McD's...I thought about it after I had pulled away. I love random acts of kindness.