I have been following Danielle over at Take Heart for over 2 years. I'm a silent follower. I read her posts, admire her pictures and am humbled by her faith. I've never commented or e-mailed her to share my adoration for who she is and what she stands for - A saying my Momma always taught us to abide by. 'Remember who you are and what you stand for'
Most of the blogs I follow are family, friends and fellow crafters. I find it especially joyful that a fellow crafter is a follower of Christ and I get to read about her journeys and creativity! Today Take Heart's blog roll captured my eye... *God's Will In My Life*. I clicked on over to see what it was all about.
I am humbled, blessed and needed to read her blog post today. It is what has been on my mind for the past couple of weeks. Praying hard about the big decisions and praying harder that I'm making the right decisions...all while praying it is what God's will for me and my family.
I feel such a rush of words and emotion I wish I could pass along in a way that would make sense about what perfect timing this post was. His timing is always perfect.
If you aren't or haven't heard of Danielle the author of Take Heart. You should, Mmmkay? Her heart leaps through her words and I know you will be blessed by her as I have through her blog.
Thank you Danielle, of all your inspiring posts, I needed this one today and want to share it with everyone else.
i cannot thank you enough for your sweet, sweet words and for your email. they are such a blessing to me tonight. so thankful that you emailed me! love to you, my friend!