My Momma has always taught me-and by example-is that I need to independently be me. Which means to me, I need to have the quirks that I have because I choose to have them, or because they come naturally. That I, independent of any one else am Ashley Marie. No other human being should define Ashley Marie, but they could most certainly add too. So with that mind set, I am who I am, because I am. (and because my Mom said so) What I have grown into finding completely endearing is, I am my Momma's daughter. As much as I fought it growing up, I am. I'm proud to be Cindie Jean's daughter.
What made me think of this was this morning. My Momma (and like her Momma) enjoys a good cup of coffee in the morning. Its not just about the taste, but the feel of the experience. The cup matters, the spoon, sugar, creamer and coffee. Its the whole pie that makes that cup of coffee good. I always found it curious to watch my Mom make her coffee in the morning. It was almost ritualistic, the flows and ebbs of how it all came together. There were many things my Momma did, that I was so determined to be different of.
I started my morning routine of convincing myself to get out of my warm bed and getting ready. Kissing the other half fair well for the day and hearing 'the beep' My heart jumps a bit and I think to myself 'YAY!' The best part of my morning is the drive into work. Why? Well it starts with a good cup of coffee... that I get to enjoy on the way into work. Listening to my praise and worship. This is where my endearing thought of 'Ah, Ashley Marie, you are your Momma's daughter' come in.
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