
Year In...

There is something so enticing about a 'new year'. Its fresh and full of optimism. We like new things and treat new things with more emphasis than we do the old, but just because we've got something new, doesn't mean the old looses its value. My 2011 is old news to most, but I reflect on it daily. Here is what went on this past year...

I found the Lord again, and gave myself completely to Him on March 22nd, and my May 29th I was baptized. I cannot tell you how peaceful His grace has made my life. If it weren't for my commitment to Him, the things following would not have been bearable. 
My Great Grandma Root went home to see Jesus last Spring. I will forever remember my Papa and Grandma standing by her side reading Psalms 23.
I lost my Dad on June 1st; to a surprise glaucoma seizure. My Dad was found on June 3rd in his home. My Dad is now more in my life that he was ever when he was alive. I know our conversations in his last months, and I can only trust in God to know what his last moments were. Knowing my prideful Dad, he would have wanted to go the way he did.
Drayton and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary, along with 3 years of being together! Shortly after we purchased our first home! It is in all the ways it possibly can be, my nest of comfort. I love my home.
We added a new addition to our Bailey clan. Her name is Tess and she loves to dig in my backyard. My golden retriever of a dog becomes a brow looking lab. 
Drayton's Grandma Ethel passed away in November; in conjunction his fmaily came down for Thanksgiving. I hosted my first Thanksgiving..ever..and in our home. I felt blessed to provide that for his family. 
Lastly, my Papa was diagnosed with Lung cancer, and we found out it has officially spread throughout his lymphatic system. He is classified as a level 3b. This is from far left field, to us anyway. My Papa is in the middle of God's plan whether we knew it or not.
After all, He knew us before we knew Him.

My resolution is to have a closer and more intimate relationship with God. I want to be completely consumed and always find the new in Him. I pray that for each of you who may not know Him personally. ((Oh and to get amazing at my new cello! I know right??))

1 comment:

  1. A cello1!?!?? How cool!

    You've had a very challenging year, Ashley, and you've obviously grown from it. It is when you make the most wonderful decisions to side with God that the Devil will tempt you as much as he can. He chooses to haunt us most when we are emotionally unstable and weak. You withstood those dark times. I'm seriously inspired by you woman.

    Here's to a bright, new year!


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