
Holy Holy Holy

I like to think that I'm a savvy person. I like to think I'm always in the loop and that I know what is going on. Well, this weekend I had to admit (out loud) that I need help, that I don't know what I'm doing and realize there are more experienced people out there. This is a tough thing to swallow for me. It may be a control or pride thing, but feeling like I'm the low man on the totem poll is very nerve racking to me and uncomfortable.

But who said being spiritual is an easy and comfortable thing?

We have had the opportunity to meet and mingle with some couples from our new home. Yes, I am claiming Abundant Life our new home. I've so needed to connect with people our age, who are strong in their faith; their devotion. I think it will make our journey a little easier being able to connect with people who might be going through the same challenges we are. It has been so refreshing, so calming and quite overwhelming. There have been challenges surrounding this whole ordeal and I can't help but wonder if they are all tests of faith. It is uncomfortable and hard, but it has been the most rewarding thing. My relationships have been better, Drayton and I are a stronger couple.

Feeling outstretched arms, is what my soul needed apparently. People who care, who want us apart of their lives and people who want to grow stronger in God with us. This is definitely a place we can call home. It is a place where the ideals, are ideal. The Love, is so loving. The people, wow, the people; they are who I want to be.

Prayers really do come true, when you put Him first. When you rely on Him to be your Sheppard, amazing things happen.

Until Next Time,
Peace & Love

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